Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Getting Away From It All

Last week I left studio and quilts behind because I needed to be here

seeing this:

I was privileged to watch 29 dedicated young military officers receive their wings and officially become pilots.  How completely cool was that!  If this doesn't make your heart beat a little faster, nothing will. Congratulations to all; your loved ones and country are proud.

After 4 days of Texas heat and some barbeque wings that were SO delicious, I'm back in the cool and leafy Northwest, which could be just a tad warmer, but that's another whole story.  The neat news is that I can look at my studio and projects in a whole new light.

This one, which my rack maker-sweetheart seems to really like, is almost finished.

It's called Lemonade Stand and I like it as a summer quilt because each block has only four pieces, it goes together in a hurry, and the colors are bright as summery.  It's currently only held up by the fact that I ran out of the variegated thread I was using for the top and have to get another spool.  The pattern should be up on the website for sale in a couple of weeks. 

At this point, I'd like to put in a plug for the marvelous group called Quilts of Valor.  Their mission is to cover all service members and veterans with Wartime Quilts.  They always need our help and it's something the quilt community can do for our servicemen and women.


I made this one for them a couple of years ago and have another top finished.  There's something about doing these that is so totally worth the effort.
For more information, go to http://www.qovf.org.

This post has been a bit random, but here's the thing.  When we step out of the studio and into the garden or the city or anywhere we don't often go, it creates a spark of creativity and a new enthusiasm for our art.  Everything about my current projects and the ones in my head is brighter and more focused.  I'm re-energized to leap right in.

By the way, today is Flag Day.  Happy Birthday, Judy.


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