Saturday, December 7, 2013

Sunny and Cold

It's currently freezing up in here.  Literally.  As I write, it's 22 degrees.  We're lucky enough to be in a little snow-free zone so the pavement is dry and going to the grocery store is not threatening to life and limb - at least no more than usual.

Here's what happens to celery in a hard freeze.

Some years we can keep using it until Christmas if we don't get a hard freeze.  This cold snap ended that dream.  Instead of salad, it'll be compost.  It was pretty while it lasted and made the garden smell nice.

I'm kind of into poinsettias this year.  I ordered one from the local high school dance team and it was delivered the week before Thanksgiving.  It's really lovely.  The big challenge will be to keep it alive until Christmas.

I'm not used to having a plant in the house that requires regular watering.  The cold, sunny weather also means that it's unusually dry, which isn't helping much.

I'm also finding myself charmed by wool projects and found this cute pillow pattern a couple of weeks ago.  (Because I don't have enough projects - yeah that's what it is.)  The top is finished and I'm aiming for it to be a completed pillow by the end of the weekend.  I'm particularly pleased that my box of leftover beads, some dating back to a project in the cretaceous period (mid '70's) that have been hauled around for decades actually worked perfectly for this.

I've never been a real beading fanatic.  When I have used them, it's been sparingly.  The thing is, one can rarely buy 6 seed beads.  They come in a little tube of about 5000 and I'm pretty sure there will be some left over for my descendants three generations hence.  

I'm really liking doing handwork with wool.  It goes faster than I would've thought and it has a calming effect.  Who knew?  Okay, I'm sure a lot of people did, but some of us catch on a little more slowly.  

If you've got snow and ice this weekend, I'm thinking of you.  Been there, done that and it's a giant pain.  Stay safe and warm.


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