Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Little of This . . .

Regular Oregon fall is back (finally) and it features lots of sun and blue sky.  Apparently, this is our most colorful leaf week.  I'm not sure who figures that out, but I'm pretty sure they're right.

Wonderful color combination.  Could be a quilt in there.

Our dogs are allowed on one piece of furniture.  It's an old love seat that's been recovered several times.  At some point it would've cheaper to replace it, but it's comfy, good for naps (both human and dog) and fits the space perfectly.  I even made a couple of matching pillows and plan to make a couple more as I way overestimated the yardage to recover it.  The other evening, we found Toby hugging a pillow.

That's actually a new behavior for him.  Wish he'd traded in raiding the pantry for this one.  He loves Ritz Crackers and has been known to help himself to a stack when he's a bit peckish.  Toby actually held the pose while I got the camera.  He knows when he's being adorable and isn't above working it.

Sweet Husband was in Las Vegas this week and sent me this photo of a men's store in the Cosmopolitan Hotel.

Apparently there are about 500  sewing machines in the collection.  I would pay real money to see that and at some point I probably will.  I'm not really into antiques that much, but old sewing machines really charm me.  There's something special about a straight-stitchin', non-computerized, all metal, dependable workhorse of a  sewing machine.  I learned to sew on a 1951 Singer Featherweight (that I still have).  They were pretty easy to maintain and the motherboard never failed.

I'm working on a Christmas pattern that will be available next summer.  I decided to get ahead of the curve for a change even if it means creating Halloween in February.  When the top is finished, I'll post a preview.

Keep quilting,


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