Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A Little Spring Miracle

I did this dopey thing and learned something. These pictures are in the order that the occurred.  I just needed to share.

I found this cool blue vase on a clearance shelf and since I have nothing like it and it was seriously on sale, I bought it. Later, I picked up some yellow tulips.

The next day I put them together and really loved the yellow and green and blue.  I didn't do a lot of fussy arranging, but just stuck them in the vase and put them on the table in the front hall.

The following morning I went to admire my handiwork and found this.

It seems that in my excitement to create some color contrast, I forgot to put water in the vase.  I felt like such a dork, as well I should have.  Since I had nothing to lose, I filled the vase with water and left it in the kitchen to see if I could revive the poor flowers just a little.

Over the next few hours, I found that tulips are a lot more sturdy than I gave them credit for.  

Little by little, they straightened up.  Every time I looked at them,  they were just a little more lively.

After just a few hours, they were beautiful again.

By evening, they were almost as good as new.  We should all be so resilient. 

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