We spent Thanksgiving at my mom's in Southern Oregon, where there was actually some sunshine, which always lifts my spirits. It was really great for all because there was nothing we HAD to do. That's when new ideas and some clarity about the old ones happens. We ate good food, watched some football, got caught up on family stuff and I knitted a pedicure sock.
Now that I'm home, I finished the top of the Wreath Quilt.
This is where I was last week and I must admit, I was feeling pretty good about it. Then I made the triangle border. Then this happened:
Those two edges on the right were supposed to line up. (Please insert your preferred unladylike comment.) The scary part was that I cut and sewed all the pieces at the same time and yet one side fit perfectly and three others did not. I think I now know where head-bangers come from. Many seams were ripped out, trimmed 1/16th of an inch and re-sewn.
I could've measured and analyzed just where the problem had happened. However, I want to finish this year, so I just fixed it without delving too deeply into the whys and wherefores. I'm pretty sure it wasn't the pattern as the measurements are right. More likely I cut or sewed when I was tired.
So now I'm up to here:
The pattern calls for another green border. Sadly, the last minute substitution of wreath fabric means there isn't enough matching fabric and of course it's an older one. Never let it be said that I don't know how to quit when I'm ahead. Will it be just like the pattern? No. Will it be mine? Yes. Is that a problem? Nope! If you noticed, the top wreath block is missing a berry. That I will fix.
This is what November looks like from my studio door. It's never too foggy for poodles to check out the neighborhood. The wind a couple of weeks ago uprooted some of the pansies. I wonder if I can still buy a few to fill in. In my spare time. (Insert maniacal laughter.)
A hint from Mother:
If you haven't started a to-do list for the holidays, do it now. Then go back and cross at least three things out. Arrive at the holiday sane. Do a bit less. Enjoy it more.
As always, thanks to QuilterBlogs.com

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