In the last three weeks life has just whipped by. Family wedding (beautiful), house guests (fun) and selling for two days at a quilt show (and all the preparation) have just filled up the time. And I do have to sleep, eat, and occasionally drop in at my day job. When I get desperate, I throw a load in the washer. Ironing? Surely you jest.
Yesterday I was coming home from a haircut, a drive that would normally take about 25 minutes. This trip took over an hour. As I was ripping down the freeway at an exciting 20 miles per hour and wondering what the heck all these other people were doing on the road at 3:30 in the afternoon, I couldn't help but whine to myself about all the wonderful quilting I could be doing instead of crawling down the interstate. In my own mind (and make no mistake, this is a fantasy) I'm thinking that I could've cut and sewn an entire quilt top in the time it took for this traffic to move 10 miles.
I've come to several conclusions:
1. I have not got enough minutes left in my life to do all the things I want to. Quilting, travel, occasionally making dinner.
2. Everything takes approximately twice as long to accomplish as I think it will. I'm going to just zip over to the grocery store to pick up some bread and milk. Then I run into an old friend. Fifteen minutes becomes an hour.
3. It's always something. Like the "Service Engine Soon" light on my dashboard. A dog with an ear infection. There are no eggs in the refrigerator. You know the drill.
4. I wouldn't trade the time spent with family and friends for anything.
Apparently this is an ongoing discussion in my subconscious. The last two quilts I've designed are of the quick and easy variety. The patterns are now up on the website.
The first is Lemonade Stand
I've talked about this one before. It's easy, summery and with a change of color can be Margarita or perhaps Blue Hawaii.
The next is Fall into Halloween
I like this one because it's fast and easy and also because it's great for medium to large allover prints and the other fabrics that go with them. You can start this one and be napping under it in a weekend.
One final question:
Is there ever enough time?
I'm pretty sure the answer is no. Just get over it and do what you can.
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