Winter or Spring?
I’m having one of THOSE days. You know the kind. It’s a day where everything takes about twice as long as it should. Everything I start to do reminds me of something else I need to do. I sit at the computer, glance out the window and realize I need to bring in the garbage cans. While doing that, I see that the tulips have grown significantly in the last week and it’s time to take a picture. The phone rings and then I see dishes in the sink. I ignore that and go back up to the computer. I spill my drink, clean that up, plug my camera into the computer and it locks up the photo application. The pork roast didn’t thaw as fast as I thought it would and now I have to think up something else for dinner. And all this is after I’ve spent the morning at the sewing machine. THAT day.
I’m actually playing hooky from the sewing machine for a bit to write this. I have two quilts that need to be quilted in time for my Guild Quilt Show which is the first weekend of March. I kept thinking I had lots of time. Why on earth would I ever think that? One project is thankfully small, but the other sort of got out of hand and it’s quite large. I have big plans for the quilting so it’ll take some time.
I also have furry help. Heaven forbid I take a picture that doesn’t include Ella.
The only good news here is that she doesn’t shed. Also, she knows the phrase, “Get OFF.”
One of my distractions is that it’s lovely outside here, currently about 61 and sunny. I want to start planting things. It’s way too early for most stuff (although some Sweet Pea seeds would probably work).
The tulips are really going to town. Didn’t realize until I saw the picture that they’re being chewed upon. Add some debugging procedures to tomorrow’s list.
If it’s snowing and miserable where you are, may I say that we skiers in the West would take some snow off your hands (and driveways) if we only had a clue how.
Our newsletter will come out later this week. We only send it to people who sign up and we will email you a pattern for two postcards just for trying us out. Just go to
I found this little volunteer in one of my planters at the front of the house.
Apparently it came up to remind me that winter is more than halfway over.
Keep quilting,
PS If you celebrate Lunar New Year, have a great one!