And this:
In spite of that, my tulips are just peeking up, promising some bright color for spring. We had lots of snow and ice a couple of weeks ago and I was surprised to see some little tulip leaves when it melted. I should've known. Dutch winters are generally more intense than winter here.
Went skiing in Utah last week. Getting out of Dodge for a few days in mid-winter seems to be good for my attitude. Sometimes winter seems endless.
Could this be a quilt? I would have to live about 6 lives to follow up on all the good quilt ideas I have. It seems that every picture or fruit or flower could be a great quilt.
I do't think I've ever seen such massive icicles.
And here's an idea for a fence that would never have occurred to me.
This is a picture of the coordinating block I made for Mother Goes Mod. Both blocks will be in one pattern.
Here's one way to put them together.
Same basic block as the original, but just different enough to change the look, even with the same fabrics.
Work on the wedding quilt continues. This week I'm making 84 of these:
Then I'll make 84 of these:
I might have some extra time to work on it as I'm trying not to expose the world to the neat chest cold that's going around and found me. Oddly, people don't like it when the person next to them in line coughs up a lung. So I shall attempt to keep my cooties to myself. The biggest issue (besides my personal whining) with a cold is keeping the dogs out of the kleenex. Ella likes to pull a box off of a table or desk, pull a couple hundred out and then shred them to atomic particles. She has a basket full of toys and a bunch of tennis balls in the back yard. What could be so fascinating about kleenex? And do I really want to know?
Steer clear of the coughing people and
Quilt On!