Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Dog Days Are Here

Ahh!  The dog days of summer are here.  What better time than now to showcase some DOGS!

One of the fun things about the Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show is that there's so much more to look at than quilts (which is wonderful and the whole point), the people looking at quilts (that's a whole other show), and vendors (hang on to your credit card, it's too much fun).  Besides kids and patient significant others, there are the dogs.

Quilt show dogs are special.  They put up with a lot, including kids, strollers and wonderful smells.  Smells like hot dogs, popcorn, barbequed meat, and a couple of amazing bakeries - a regular feast for the canine nose.  Here are a few of my favorites from this year's show.

                      These guys are ready for a sunny day with their little hats. 

Then there are those who simply travel in style.  They also get to see some quilts as opposed to lots of feet.

                             Some are just hanging around being beautiful.

     There's a certain thrill that comes when you can walk down the middle of the

Not sure if the beagle is looking forward to making a new friend or checking out the kid with the popcorn.

                 There's always one who can't decide which is her best side. 

                                   Some are just looking for a little shade.

                                               Or a spot of grass.

                               Perhaps heading for the odd barbequed rib.

                                  Maybe aiming for the cuteness award.

                              Is this a face that says, "Are we through yet?"

And, finally, one of the many reasons Miss Ella Bella did not attend the show.
Luckily for my walls, furniture and legs, the cone of shame in now off and she's free to be her usual active self.

As always, a big thank you to

"Are we stylin' or what?"Some

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Quilts at the Sisters Show

I thought it might be nice to show some actual quilts at the show.  There were literally hundreds and I'm just showing a few.  With limited commentary.  Because you just want to SEE the quilts.

Front & Back


Tree Challenge


Hilde Morin Classes


Aren't they just amazing?  There were so many inspiring quilts.   Hope you  enjoyed them.
